Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How can I know, if you don't say~

Ya! How can I know if you don't say?
We talk a lot each and everyday...
but most of us, sadly to say,
most likely to miss out the most important words to tell;
the words that can change you and your loved one's life;
the words that are meaningful enough to someone special;
the words that can change someone's perception;
the words that can change your life;
the words that can bring the beauty of relationship;
the words that can replace any romantic arrangement;
the words that can tell something from your heart;
the words that you hide from someone long time ago;
the words that you wish to tell but has failed to;
the words that you keep and keep and keep;
finally dies in your deep heart's core;
no one else would know; no one else would care;
If you don't say, how can I know?
My dear,
No matter what you want to tell,
Tell it before you regret.
Times lapsed and things changed,
We have no control on anything.
Treasure every moment we have with everyone,
Show how much you love and care them.
They would probably eager to hear it from you.
Love is all around;
and they remain only if you show it out:)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


心渐渐劳累, 很明白, 再也回不了过去;
以往的回忆越来越清晰, 才知道, 其实更折磨.
很想说, 其实我在意, 其实我难过,
事过境迁, 还是人心改变?
很感动一直拥有这样要好的朋友, 我心存感激.
偏偏, 大家都身在困境, 实在不想有谁受伤.
误会可以杀人, 能剥夺一切.
心里对对方的关怀, 还有谁说得出口?
彼此建立的友谊, 是时间培养出来, 一点一滴, 都很珍贵;
可惜, 摧毁时, 却没有半点犹豫.
遗下的, 是心碎, 是遗憾.
很想问, 为什么事情就不能好好解决? 为什么非得弄僵局面?
牵强, 是辛苦的.
回想当初是如何相识, 如何变得要好;
回想一起欢笑, 说自己尴尬的事;
回过头来, 才知道, 我再也改变不了什么.
后悔为何开始这场误会, 如果早知如此, 我们都不会做这样的决定.
如果从此形同陌路, 心有不舍, 但我又能做些什么?
学习到怎么不掉眼泪, 即使难过, 相信总会过去;
明白自己也会冲动, 但请谅解, 我也会心疼.
事情发生了, 就再也弥补不了什么,
只希望, 一切都会过去, 然后又回到原点.
而我, 仍然珍惜, 这个好朋友.